‘Tis the season for Santa Lawyer to take your nominations for a Minnesota organization you’d like to see receive a $400 donation. Jingle your bells on over to Twitter, and use #santalawyer when you tweet @NonprofitRubric with your nomination. See Santa Lawyer in action, riding the trusty holiday sleigh/Triumph through Minneapolis here! The contest rules are as follows:
Instead of sending out holiday cards from my firm, I prefer to give a contribution in honor of my clients to a local organization. Instead of choosing the organization myself – last year I asked you to help me via the Second Annual Rubric Legal LLC Santa Lawyer Contest – and The Collaborative Community Law Initiative was the lucky recipient! Beginning on December 1st, 2016, I will again be taking recommendations via my Twitter account (@NonprofitRubric) of organizations that you think are worthy of my donation this year. For those that choose not to play with the Twitter – you can email me at erobertson at rubriclegal dot com and I will post your suggestion on Twitter for all to see. I will also be posting pictures daily (mostly) with holiday themed items that I own, wear, like to see, etc. for purposes of indicating my self-proclaimed status as Santa Lawyer. As a reminder, I am a secular Santa – however, we embrace all holidays here at Rubric Legal LLC so we will be throwing some Hanukkah references and images into the mix this year so my Administrative Ninja, Laurel, can join in the reindeer games. The rules:
- The contest will begin on December 1st, and run through December 22nd. Assuming there is no tie (see below); the winner will be announced the day before Christmas Eve day, a.k.a. the day before Hanukkah starts, a.k.a. December 23rd.
- All suggestions have to come into @NonprofitRubric with the hashtag #santalawyer or via my email address, above.
- All suggestions must be for a Minnesota charity with gross revenues less than $1,000,000 per year.
- There is no limit on the number of entries per person, although if I determine that the entries are being made by something other than a human (I know some of you fantastic geeks out there could do it), then I reserve the right to limit your entries.
- Winner will be the organization that receives the most votes. In the event of a tie, I will create a twitter poll with the top three organizations for you to vote on, which will be open for 36 hours.
- I have no idea what the odds are of winning.
- Donation amount will be $400. I very respectfully reserve the right to redirect the funds to a second place winner if the 1st place winner does not meet the above requirements, or is otherwise quite apparently not a good steward of charitable funds.
- Suggested organizations that meet the Charities Review Council’s Standards of Accountability get a single bonus vote with their initial suggestion (but not subsequent votes).
- New rule this year! Bonus point for any festive pictures included with tweet/vote!