Back by popular demand! Instead of sending out holiday cards, we give a contribution to a small Minnesota-based charity and you get to be Santa’s helpers via the Santa Lawyer Contest! Beginning on December 1st, 2017, Santa Lawyer will begin taking nominations and posting holiday-themed images of the Rubric crew, as well as providing periodic updates on the status of nominees on Facebook, Twitter, and santalawyer.com! And – all winter holidays and celebrations are welcome here, so don’t think you are limited to x-mas images or messages!
The rules:
1. The contest begins December 1st, and runs through December 21st. Unless there is a tie, the winner will be announced on Friday, December 22nd. The winner will be the organization that receives the most votes. A twitter poll will be used to break any ties and will be open for 24 hours.
2. All nominations must come in by one of these three methods – Twitter (@NonprofitRubric), email santa at rubriclegal.com, or @RubricLegal on Facebook. **If you are using Twitter to nominate, please use #santalawyer so we can keep track of votes!**
3. To be eligible, nominee must be a Minnesota charity with gross annual revenues less than $1 million. Past winners are not eligible (have to spread the holiday spirit!) — Women’s Prison Book Project (2014), Community Collaborative Law Initiative (2015), and Minnesota Fighting AIDS on Bikes (2016).
4. One vote/day/person, but vote daily! Double your vote by posting it with a holiday-themed picture. Post a video of yourself singing an entire holiday tune – you get a one-time bonus of 12 votes.
7. Donation amount will be $500. We reserve the right to redirect the funds if a review of the selected organization’s Form 990 and/or other info indicates it is not a good steward of charitable funds.
8. Nominees that meet the Charities Review Council’s Standards of Accountability get a 3 point bonus.
6. I have no idea what the odds are of winning.
Good luck, and have fun!