The rules:
1. The 2019 contest begins Sunday, December 1st, and runs through Friday, December 20th at 11:59 a.m. Unless there is a tie, the winners will be announced on Friday, December 20th at 12:00 p.m. The first place winner will be the organization that receives the most votes, and will receive a $500 donation from Rubric Legal LLC. A twitter poll will be used to break any ties and will be open for 24 hours.
2. New this year: the contest will now award 2nd place with a $100 donation, and there will be no prizes for 3rd place (but you are still a winner in Santa Lawyer’s eyes).
3. To enter the contest, all Twitter users must first follow: @thesantalawyer and all Instagram users must follow @rubriclegal. Contest updates and daily tallies will be posted to the twitter account. Silly holiday themed tweets including favorite holiday songs will be posted to this account. *Disclaimer* tweets may include holiday themed videos that might be considered NSFW. And cats. Many cats, possibly even holiday cats. There may also be special bonus point opportunities announced via the Twitter account.
4. All nominations must come in by one of these three methods – Twitter (@thesantalawyer), Instagram (@rubriclegal – tag us in your photos or stories and use #santalawyer) or email: santa at**If you are using Twitter to nominate, please use #santalawyer so we can keep track of votes!** If you do not use the hashtag, the vote will not be counted.
5. Prior winners are not eligible to win first prize but may still enter the contest for 2nd place.
6. To be eligible, nominee must be a Minnesota charity with gross annual revenues less than $1 million.
7. One vote/day/organization/person (so, you can vote for more than one organization each day but only one vote per organization per day), and must be accompanied by a holiday themed photo (by email vote, or Twitter vote)! Post a video to Twitter of yourself singing an entire holiday tune – you get a one-time bonus of 10 votes. *If a video is sent to email, it is implied that we have your consent to post the video to Twitter.* Post a video to Twitter of yourself or a group dancing to a holiday themed song, and you will get a one-time bonus of 20 votes. Special consideration and additional points may be granted if the dance is choreographed.
8. We reserve the right to redirect the funds if a review of the selected organization’s Form 990 and/or other info indicates it is not a good steward of charitable funds.
9. Nominees that meet the Charities Review Council’s Standards of Accountability get a one-time 25-point bonus.
10. I have no idea what the odds are of winning, but you can’t win if you don’t participate!
Finally, this contest is inclusive of ALL winter holidays. This is not a Christian Christmas contest, as Santa Lawyer celebrates Christmas as a secular holiday, mostly involving (too many) decorations and sparkly things, holiday sweaters, inappropriate holiday themed music, and being kind to everyone. Whatever this holiday season means to you, that’s what this contest intends to celebrate.
Good luck, and have fun!